Out-of-the-box topics
Manufacturing of plastics and alternative materials is innovative and forward looking. At the Innovation Symposium at Swiss Plastics Expo you can find inspiration for new solutions or be convinced by promising business models and ideas for a circular economy.
Swiss Plastics Expo
The Innovation Symposium provides expert knowledge – gained from practice for use in practice. On Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23, 2020 from 2:00 to 3:35 PM experts will be taking the stage in hall 1 to talk about promising business models and ideas for a circular economy.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
- Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Kunststoffindustrie
Sandra Füllsack, motan holding gmbh
- Keine Nachhaltigkeit ohne Entwicklung
Dr.-Ing. Christina Härter, KraussMaffei HighPerformance AG
- Why Plastic is Important for a Circular Fashion Industry
Ben Levy-McNaughton, Le Lab De Souliers
- Energiesparend plastifizieren
Axel Ifland, inmex GmbH
- Chancen und Herausforderungen der Sharing Economy
Andreas Amstutz, SHARELY.CH
Thursday, January 23, 2020
- Future Perfect – digitale Bildung für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Martin Räber, Eartheffect GmbH
- Zykluszeiten deutlich reduziert
Jonathan Franke, enesty GmbH
- Unternehmen glaubwürdig sichtbar machen
Steffen Klatt, Café Europe. Nachrichtenagentur AG
- Non-destructive testing of plastics and welded joints
Ilona Meijsing, TNO
Some presentations will be held in German.